Randeep Hooda marked his directorial debut with “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar“, which released on March 22 this year. He not only helmed the project but also portrayed the lead role. Despite facing tough competition from various releases like “Shaitaan,” “Crew,” “Madgaon Express,” “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,” “Maidaan,” and “Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire,” the film has managed to sustain over 50 days at the box office.However, it seems unlikely that the film will surpass the Rs 25 crore mark.
“Swatantrya Veer Savarkar“, which is made on a reported budget of Rs 20 crore, will complete seven weeks at the box office and tomorrow will be its 50th day. The film earned Rs 11.35 crore in its first week, Rs 6.4 crore in its second week, Rs 4.5 crore in its third week, Rs 1.41 crore in its fourth week and Rs 59 lakh in its fifth week, Rs 31 lakh in its sixth week and after adding the numbers of the seven tweek, “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” stands at Rs 24.47 crore. The film also had a release in Marathi, a week after its Hindi release, which has till now added Rs 20 lakh to the film’s collection. It would be interesting to see how much “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” mints by its 50th day.
Speaking about the movie, Randeep told ETimes how the campaign against the movie helped it, “I am glad that some of these trolls have seen this movie and have gone and read about it and found the truth.” Besides Randeep, the film also features Ankita Lokhande, Rajesh Khera and Amit Sial in pivotal roles.
“Swatantrya Veer Savarkar“, which is made on a reported budget of Rs 20 crore, will complete seven weeks at the box office and tomorrow will be its 50th day. The film earned Rs 11.35 crore in its first week, Rs 6.4 crore in its second week, Rs 4.5 crore in its third week, Rs 1.41 crore in its fourth week and Rs 59 lakh in its fifth week, Rs 31 lakh in its sixth week and after adding the numbers of the seven tweek, “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” stands at Rs 24.47 crore. The film also had a release in Marathi, a week after its Hindi release, which has till now added Rs 20 lakh to the film’s collection. It would be interesting to see how much “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar” mints by its 50th day.
Speaking about the movie, Randeep told ETimes how the campaign against the movie helped it, “I am glad that some of these trolls have seen this movie and have gone and read about it and found the truth.” Besides Randeep, the film also features Ankita Lokhande, Rajesh Khera and Amit Sial in pivotal roles.