For the unversed, on May 14, she posted a black-and-white photograph featuring herself, filmmaker Joy Mukherjee, and Dimple Kapadia. Reflecting on the picture, Aman revealed that it was likely taken during the production of the film ‘Chhailla Babu.’ She fondly remembered Kapadia’s visit to the set, noting that Kapadia, then married to the lead actor Rajesh Khanna, had a significant impact on her life during a challenging period.
In her heartfelt post, Zeenat Aman praised Dimple Kapadia not just for her talent but for her unwavering support during a tumultuous time. She recalled that Dimple Kapadia was one of the few who publicly stood by her, despite facing scrutiny and criticism herself. This act of solidarity revealed a strength of character in Dimple that Zeenat continues to admire.
Twinkle Khanna, acting on behalf of her mother who isn’t on social media, reposted Zeenat Aman’s tribute and conveyed Dimple Kapadia’s gratitude. Khanna noted, “What a lovely picture, and mom says thank you for your gracious words,” with a red heart emoji. This gesture underscored the deep mutual respect and admiration between the two legendary actresses, reflecting decades of friendship and professional collaboration.
Zeenat Aman has recently joined social media and has been sharing glimpses of her illustrious past, and connecting with fans old and new. Her post for Dimple did more than just praise; it also served as a nostalgic reflection on their early careers. Despite the different trajectories their careers took, the bond between them remained strong.
Looking ahead, Zeenat Aman is set to appear as Sitara Jaan in the upcoming film ‘Bun Tikki,’ directed by Faraz Arif Ansari and starring Abhay Deol and Shabana Azmi.