‘LSD 2’, bankrolled by Ekta Kapoor and directed by Dibakar Banerjee, boasted an ensemble cast including Paritosh Tiwari, Bonita Rajpurohit, Abhinav Singh, Swastika Mukherjee, Mouni Roy, Uorfi Javed, and Swaroopa Ghosh. In an interview with Hindustan Times City, Nimrit revealed her reasons for backing out of the project. She expressed the need for personal time after her Bigg Boss stint and the desire to enhance her skills before entering the film industry.
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Nimrit admitted that while it was a difficult decision given the anticipation surrounding her Bollywood debut, she wouldn’t have been able to give her best due to personal and professional reasons. Acknowledging the challenges faced by outsiders in the industry, Nimrit emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities and minimizing setbacks.
Nimrit disclosed that she has secured her cinematic debut in a thriller drama. Produced by Ajay Rai, the project is currently in the pre-production stage and is scheduled to commence filming in September. Nimrit plans to join the team after completing her commitments on ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14‘.