Deepika shared a compilation video of herself in the yellow outfit, captioned, “Sunshine state of mind.” Fans couldn’t stop praising her radiant glow.One user wrote, “That glow is just golden ❤️and suits you so beautifully.” Another user commented, “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for….you slay in yellow with baby bump.” Another added, “Pregnancy makes her more beautiful.”
Earlier in the day, Ranveer Singh took to Instagram Stories to share a series of pictures of Deepika, wearing a yellow sleeveless gown and flaunting her pregnancy glow and baby bump. He also defended her against trolls with captions like, “My sunshine,” “Ufff! Kya karun main? Marr jaun?” and “Buri nazar wale tera moonh kala.”
Ranveer Singh’s protective gesture towards pregnant Deepika Padukone at a Mumbai polling booth earns online praise
This is Ranveer’s first post for Deepika since May 7, when he made headlines for archiving their wedding pictures from his Instagram account. It is also Deepika’s first post showcasing her baby bump since the couple announced their pregnancy.
Deepika and Ranveer are expecting their first child in September.