Fans of the Indian Premier League were glued to their screens on Sunday, rooting for their favourite players as Sunrisers Hyderabad and Kolkata Knight Riders took to the field. While Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla owned KKR emerged victorious, they were seen celebrating on the field. While SRH owner, Kavya Maran broke down in tears in the stands.
After clapping away to applaud team KKR, she turned her back to the ground and broke down into tears.Feeling her pain, Amitabh Bachchan dedicated a note to her in his daily blog. The veteran actor, feeling sorry for the SRH owner, wrote, “The IPL Final is over and KKR have WON a most convincing victory .. SRH were simply outplayed .. disappointing in many ways because SRH is a good team and one has seen their very grand performances over the days when they played other matches .. But what was most touching to observe was the pretty young lady , .. the owner of SRH, in the Stadium, get emotional after the loss and break into tears, turning her face away from the cameras, so as not to display her emotion .. I felt bad for her !!” He further added, “Never mind .. tomorrow is another day .. my dear !! to all that fail .. do not give up .. for ..tomorrow is another day …”
Soon after the match, Shah Rukh Khan was seen celebrating with his family, hugging daughter Suhana Khan and kissing wife Gauri Khan. The actor made his first appearance after being hospitalised in Ahmedabad for dehydration post another IPL match.
After clapping away to applaud team KKR, she turned her back to the ground and broke down into tears.Feeling her pain, Amitabh Bachchan dedicated a note to her in his daily blog. The veteran actor, feeling sorry for the SRH owner, wrote, “The IPL Final is over and KKR have WON a most convincing victory .. SRH were simply outplayed .. disappointing in many ways because SRH is a good team and one has seen their very grand performances over the days when they played other matches .. But what was most touching to observe was the pretty young lady , .. the owner of SRH, in the Stadium, get emotional after the loss and break into tears, turning her face away from the cameras, so as not to display her emotion .. I felt bad for her !!” He further added, “Never mind .. tomorrow is another day .. my dear !! to all that fail .. do not give up .. for ..tomorrow is another day …”
Soon after the match, Shah Rukh Khan was seen celebrating with his family, hugging daughter Suhana Khan and kissing wife Gauri Khan. The actor made his first appearance after being hospitalised in Ahmedabad for dehydration post another IPL match.
Here’s why Shah Rukh Khan apologised after Kolkata Knight Riders crushed Sunrisers Hyderabad to reach IPL finals