Recently, while speaking with Siddharth Kannan, Rajniesh shared the heartfelt reason he declined the role that could have changed his life.The 1920 actor recounted being offered Murder just three days after winning Mr. India in March 2003. He revealed that Mukesh Bhatt and Mahesh Bhatt, who were mentors during his pageant days, had initially approached him.
Rajniesh recalled, “One day, Mahesh Bhatt was the guest speaker. He scanned everyone and asked us about ourselves. When everyone was introducing themselves and explaining their reasons for being there, I confidently said, ‘I am here to win.’ I think that confidence struck a chord with him.”
The next day, Mukesh Bhatt inquired about the guy from Delhi, and producer Anshuman Swami pointed to Rajniesh. Three days later, Rajniesh was called to the Bhatts’ office, accompanied by Swami and composer Abu Malik.
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Rajniesh recounted how Mukesh Bhatt explained that he was making a movie to re-launch his nephew Emraan Hashmi, who had debuted with 2003’s Footpath. Bhatt shared, “I am taking a new girl called Reema Gill (Mallika Sherawat’s real name) from Delhi NCR and he made me listen to Murder’s album, which was amazing.”
Bhatt then offered Rajniesh a choice between two roles: the husband or the boyfriend, with Emraan taking the other role. After hearing the bold storyline, which included intimate scenes, Rajniesh confided that he had a girlfriend (now his wife Pallavee) and that he couldn’t kiss on-screen.
Rajniesh’s decision to walk away from Murder was out of respect for his relationship. Despite being taken aback, the Bhatts respected his choice. Eventually, Rajniesh made his debut with the 2008 Vikram Bhatt movie 1920.