Amidst their respective military duties, the friendship between two prominent figures in the K-pop industry, BTS‘ RM and MONSTA X‘s Jooheon, shines through a heartwarming reunion captured on social media. Both artists, renowned for their talent in the art of rap, are currently fulfilling their mandatory military enlistment, each serving in different units.
RM, whose enlistment began on December 11, 2023, serves in The Republic of Korea Army’s esteemed Military Police Unit, specifically the Special Duty Team (SDT). Conversely, Jooheon started on his military journey earlier, enlisting on July 24, 2023, and now stands among the ranks of the 15th Infantry Division.
On May 27, RM took to his Instagram Story to share photo booth strips featuring himself and Jooheon. The images captured the duo donning their military uniforms, radiating joy despite the rigors of their service. RM captioned his photo booth strip with a simple message, “Victory, 15th division”. Soon after, Jooheon reciprocated the gesture, sharing the same photos on his Instagram Story. His caption, “No brain No pain brotha”, accompanied by a salute emoji, showed a mix of lightheartedness and mutual respect. Apart from RM and Joohoney, J-Hope and MONSTA X member Hyungwon are also known to be longtime friends.
RM, whose enlistment began on December 11, 2023, serves in The Republic of Korea Army’s esteemed Military Police Unit, specifically the Special Duty Team (SDT). Conversely, Jooheon started on his military journey earlier, enlisting on July 24, 2023, and now stands among the ranks of the 15th Infantry Division.
On May 27, RM took to his Instagram Story to share photo booth strips featuring himself and Jooheon. The images captured the duo donning their military uniforms, radiating joy despite the rigors of their service. RM captioned his photo booth strip with a simple message, “Victory, 15th division”. Soon after, Jooheon reciprocated the gesture, sharing the same photos on his Instagram Story. His caption, “No brain No pain brotha”, accompanied by a salute emoji, showed a mix of lightheartedness and mutual respect. Apart from RM and Joohoney, J-Hope and MONSTA X member Hyungwon are also known to be longtime friends.