Rajkummar Rao’s latest release ‘ Srikanth’ has begun to steady itself after it faced a minor hiccup in its three week long glorious run at the box office. The film in the first two weeks minted about Rs 31.5 crore and added another Rs 5.5 crore to its kitty during the third weekend. The hurdle for the film came on Monday when the collections of the film dropped by more than 60 % to collect just Rs 85 lakh.But since that day onward the film has remained steady, on Tuesday it collected Rs 85 lakh once again and on Wednesday it saw a miniscule dip to collect Rs 82 lakh. The total collection of the film now stands at Rs 39.52 crore as per industry tracker Sacnilk and by tonight the film would be crossing the Rs 40 crore mark and by weekend it should be closing in on Rs 45 crore mark.
‘Srikanth’ is based on the life of visually impaired MIT graduate businessman, Srikanth Bolla.The only major competition for the film will be facing is from its own hero Rajkummar Rao as his second release of the year Mr and Mrs Mahi is releasing tomorrow and this would be the first time where his two films playing the lead are running at the box office at the same time.
Besides these two films, Rajkummar Rao also has ‘Stree 2’ with Shraddha Kapoor, Aparshakti Khurrana, Abhishek Banerjee, and Pankaj Tripathi, a sequel to his 2018 hit ‘Stree’. Following this, he will appear in ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’ with Triptii Dimri. Additionally, there are rumors of Rajkummar turning producer, with his first project starring opposite Sonakshi Sinha.Rajkummar is currently caught up with the shooting of his upcoming film ‘ Bhool Chuk Maaf’ in Varanasi with Wamiqa Gabbi.
‘Srikanth’ is based on the life of visually impaired MIT graduate businessman, Srikanth Bolla.The only major competition for the film will be facing is from its own hero Rajkummar Rao as his second release of the year Mr and Mrs Mahi is releasing tomorrow and this would be the first time where his two films playing the lead are running at the box office at the same time.
Besides these two films, Rajkummar Rao also has ‘Stree 2’ with Shraddha Kapoor, Aparshakti Khurrana, Abhishek Banerjee, and Pankaj Tripathi, a sequel to his 2018 hit ‘Stree’. Following this, he will appear in ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’ with Triptii Dimri. Additionally, there are rumors of Rajkummar turning producer, with his first project starring opposite Sonakshi Sinha.Rajkummar is currently caught up with the shooting of his upcoming film ‘ Bhool Chuk Maaf’ in Varanasi with Wamiqa Gabbi.