Speaking about the case, lawyer Ashok Saraogi representing the producer, told ETimes, “My client is a well reputed builder, who decided to enter the entertainment industry, met some people and decided to produce a film with Sunny Deol, and the actor agreed to work with the team, and a signing amount of Rs 1 crore was paid to him which eventually increased to about 5cr.”
Ashok Saraogi adds, “One fine day Sunny Deol told them that the story is stale and he does not remember giving the dates to the producer, and that they should do a new movie with a new subject, and an additional amount of money was paid on his insistence, and it happened to change three times.”
Sunny Deol & Bobby Deol dance on Jamal Kudu, video goes viral
Saraogi alleges that Sunny now wants the producer to increase his remuneration after success of Gadar 2 and suggested a subject on the Ayodhya Ram Mandir in which he wanted to play the role of a lawyer.
Saraogi said that Sunny Deol was summoned by the Juhu police about 10 days ago, but has excused himself saying that he was out of town.
Producer Sourav Gupta informs us that Sunny Deol was given a signing amount of Rs 1cr initially, but then again asked for an additional Rs 1cr and again disappeared and stopped taking their calls. He said, “Sunny made excuses not to do the film, and in between worked on films like Poster Boys, Bhaiyyaji Superhit and then directed his son Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas, and became an MP.”
Gupta further said that each time Sunny wanted to change the writer or the director, he was honored with his demands. Again in 2023, Sunny Deol came up with another idea, and it was based on the Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi case and he wanted to play the role of the lawyer in it. Gupta also claims that Deol had asked for money just before his son’s wedding and he gave 50 lakhs to the star.