The ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ actress recently uploaded a photo on Instagram of her enjoying mango slices. She posted a photo of two mugs filled with mango slices, and captioned, “Mango for two.” She also tagged her husband Raghav Chadha.Looks like the lovely couple had a beautiful Friday evening.
Check out the post here.
Parineeti and Raghav tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Udaipur in September last year. Their love story is a modern-day fairy tale. They first met at an event in London.
Parineeti shared on a podcast that, unlike her usual quick greetings, she suggested, “Let’s meet for breakfast.” “Usually, I’d just say hi and move on, but this time, I said, ‘Let’s meet for breakfast’. Including our teams, it was around 8-10 of us, and we met at breakfast the next day. I had no idea who he was and what he did. I literally looked him up after breakfast. I learned about all the work he’s done, and we realised, not even in weeks, in days, that we would get married,” she had said.