Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan have been a power couple in Bollywood for over three decades, defining love and success. Known as ‘King Khan‘ or the ‘Badshah of Bollywood,’ Shah Rukh enjoys immense popularity, not just on screen but also on social media.
Gauri who is also a successful interior designer, recently revealed if her Instagram is only about Shah Rukh Khan The star wife was recently featured in a 59-second fun chat with Curly Tales, where she responded to several quirky questions.“Who can make Gauri Khan laugh the most?” In reply, she revealed that her youngest child, AbRam, holds that title.
Additionally, Gauri Khan shared that her favorite place for vacations is London. She was also asked if she has someone she’s obsessed with on Instagram. Gauri responded by saying, “I have muted mostly everyone on Instagram.”
A video of Shah Rukh Khan and his daughter Suhana hugging warmly after KKR’s victory was shared on social media. In the clip, a teary-eyed Suhana embraces her dad, followed by AbRam and then Aryan. The team led by Shreyas Iyer secured a victory against Sunrisers Hyderabad by eight wickets at Chennai’s Chepauk stadium. SRK, who is a co-owner of the Kolkata-based team, was seen cheering them on along with Gauri and their children.
It was a special day for the Khan family, as May 27 was the 11th birthday of Shah Rukh Khan’s youngest child, AbRam Khan. Suhana Khan, AbRam’s sister, posted a picture of him wearing a KKR jersey while sitting in the stadium. In her caption, she wrote, “Good day to be the birthday boy.”
Gauri who is also a successful interior designer, recently revealed if her Instagram is only about Shah Rukh Khan The star wife was recently featured in a 59-second fun chat with Curly Tales, where she responded to several quirky questions.“Who can make Gauri Khan laugh the most?” In reply, she revealed that her youngest child, AbRam, holds that title.
Additionally, Gauri Khan shared that her favorite place for vacations is London. She was also asked if she has someone she’s obsessed with on Instagram. Gauri responded by saying, “I have muted mostly everyone on Instagram.”
A video of Shah Rukh Khan and his daughter Suhana hugging warmly after KKR’s victory was shared on social media. In the clip, a teary-eyed Suhana embraces her dad, followed by AbRam and then Aryan. The team led by Shreyas Iyer secured a victory against Sunrisers Hyderabad by eight wickets at Chennai’s Chepauk stadium. SRK, who is a co-owner of the Kolkata-based team, was seen cheering them on along with Gauri and their children.
It was a special day for the Khan family, as May 27 was the 11th birthday of Shah Rukh Khan’s youngest child, AbRam Khan. Suhana Khan, AbRam’s sister, posted a picture of him wearing a KKR jersey while sitting in the stadium. In her caption, she wrote, “Good day to be the birthday boy.”