The Navi Mumbai police have arrested four members of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang for allegedly plotting to attack actor Salman Khan in Panvel, Maharashtra. Now, the cops have detained a Delhi-based woman going roundabout outside his farmhouse demanding to marry him.
As per the latest report by TOI, a 24-year-old woman from Delhi, who called herself a die-hard fan of Salman Khan, arrived outside his farmhouse in Panvel taluka, demanding to meet him.Although Salman was not at the location, the villagers promptly informed the nearest police.
The report further stated that the fangirl was constantly heard saying that she wanted to marry Salman. In no time, the cops from Panvel Taluka police station detained her and took her to an NGO called Social and Evangelical Association for Love (SEAL) for further counseling.
It was also revealed that she was admitted to MGM Hospital in Kalamboli for psychiatric treatment, and her mother was called from Delhi. The family was worried about her because she had traveled alone from Delhi to Navi Mumbai with the intention of marrying Salman. After eight days of treatment and counseling, the woman was taken back home.
Meanwhile, from the Bishnoi case, the arrested accused have been identified as Dhananjay alias Ajay Kashyap, Gaurav Bhatia alias Nahvi, Waspi Khan alias Wasim Chikna and Rizwan Khan alias Javed Khan.
According to reports, 60 to 70 members of Lawrence Bishnoi and Sampat Nehra’s gang had come from Mumbai, Raigad, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Pune, and Gujarat to keep an eye on Salman Khan. They planned to use minors to attack him. After the attack, the accused intended to flee to Sri Lanka by boat from Kanyakumari.
As per the latest report by TOI, a 24-year-old woman from Delhi, who called herself a die-hard fan of Salman Khan, arrived outside his farmhouse in Panvel taluka, demanding to meet him.Although Salman was not at the location, the villagers promptly informed the nearest police.
The report further stated that the fangirl was constantly heard saying that she wanted to marry Salman. In no time, the cops from Panvel Taluka police station detained her and took her to an NGO called Social and Evangelical Association for Love (SEAL) for further counseling.
It was also revealed that she was admitted to MGM Hospital in Kalamboli for psychiatric treatment, and her mother was called from Delhi. The family was worried about her because she had traveled alone from Delhi to Navi Mumbai with the intention of marrying Salman. After eight days of treatment and counseling, the woman was taken back home.
Meanwhile, from the Bishnoi case, the arrested accused have been identified as Dhananjay alias Ajay Kashyap, Gaurav Bhatia alias Nahvi, Waspi Khan alias Wasim Chikna and Rizwan Khan alias Javed Khan.
According to reports, 60 to 70 members of Lawrence Bishnoi and Sampat Nehra’s gang had come from Mumbai, Raigad, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Pune, and Gujarat to keep an eye on Salman Khan. They planned to use minors to attack him. After the attack, the accused intended to flee to Sri Lanka by boat from Kanyakumari.