Varun Dhawan, along with his co-stars Neetu Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Kiara Advani, and Maniesh Paul, recently visited New Delhi to promote their film ‘JugJugg Jeeyo‘, which hit theaters on June 24. In an interview with, the actor discussed the impact of his marriage to longtime girlfriend Natasha Dalal on his life.
Varun Dhawan humorously shared his experience of sharing a cupboard with his wife, Natasha Dalal.The actor mentioned that on occasions, he mistakenly grabs a pair of jeans and tries them on, only to discover they belong to Natasha. This mix-up occurs frequently when two people share their lives together. However, he reassured me that such incidents are completely fine.
Varun Dhawan also shared how his perspective on marriage shifted once Natasha entered his life. He admitted that as a child, he never imagined himself getting married. The idea of being someone who settles down and takes on marital responsibilities didn’t resonate with him. However, everything changed when Natasha came into his life. He described her presence as bringing a sense of comfort and security, like having a protective pillow over his head. For him, marriage is about feeling safe and supported, no matter what challenges may arise.
Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal exchanged vows on January 24, 2021, at the resort in Alibaug.
Natasha attended Bombay Scottish School, just like Varun Dhawan. Although they had known each other since sixth grade, they didn’t date during high school. Instead, they remained good friends, with their families frequently interacting at various social gatherings and functions.
Varun started his acting journey in 2012 with Karan Johar‘s ‘Student of the Year’. Meanwhile, Natasha returned to Mumbai from New York in 2013 after earning a degree in fashion. The couple consistently denied their relationship and kept their romance private. It wasn’t until 2017 that Varun finally opened up about their relationship. Since then, they have been setting major couple goals with their public appearance.
Varun Dhawan humorously shared his experience of sharing a cupboard with his wife, Natasha Dalal.The actor mentioned that on occasions, he mistakenly grabs a pair of jeans and tries them on, only to discover they belong to Natasha. This mix-up occurs frequently when two people share their lives together. However, he reassured me that such incidents are completely fine.
Varun Dhawan also shared how his perspective on marriage shifted once Natasha entered his life. He admitted that as a child, he never imagined himself getting married. The idea of being someone who settles down and takes on marital responsibilities didn’t resonate with him. However, everything changed when Natasha came into his life. He described her presence as bringing a sense of comfort and security, like having a protective pillow over his head. For him, marriage is about feeling safe and supported, no matter what challenges may arise.
Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal exchanged vows on January 24, 2021, at the resort in Alibaug.
Natasha attended Bombay Scottish School, just like Varun Dhawan. Although they had known each other since sixth grade, they didn’t date during high school. Instead, they remained good friends, with their families frequently interacting at various social gatherings and functions.
Varun started his acting journey in 2012 with Karan Johar‘s ‘Student of the Year’. Meanwhile, Natasha returned to Mumbai from New York in 2013 after earning a degree in fashion. The couple consistently denied their relationship and kept their romance private. It wasn’t until 2017 that Varun finally opened up about their relationship. Since then, they have been setting major couple goals with their public appearance.