A Twitter user praised Vishal for his gesture, writing, “Popular singer & music director Vishal Dadlani has offered a job to CISF officer Kulwinder Kaur, who showed Kangana Ranaut her place. He is one rare gem of Bollywood who never lost spine, Huge respect.”
Responding to this, singer Sona Mohapatra criticized Vishal’s reaction, saying, “The ‘spine’ includes sitting next to a multiple accused serial molester like Anu Malik on the judges seat & when colleagues like me call him to stand up, speak up, help push back this toxic culture of reality shows – saying paisa kamaake desh se nikalna hai..such a gem I tell you.”
On Saturday, Kangana shared a long note addressing those supporting the CISF personnel, stating, “Every rapist, murderer, or thief always has a strong emotional, physical, psychological, or financial reason to commit a crime, no crime ever happens without a reason, yet they are convicted and sentenced to jail. If you are aligned with the criminal’s strong emotional impulse to commit a crime violating all laws of the land.”
Vishal Dadlani pledges job to CISF officer amid Kangana Ranaut slap allegations: ‘I will ensure that she has a job…’
Previously, Kangana had criticized Bollywood celebrities for their silence over the incident. Following this, several celebrities, including Anupam Kher, his son Sikander Kher, Shekhar Suman, his son Adhyayan Suman, Shabana Azmi, and Ram Gopal Varma, condemned the actions of the CISF constable and stated that violence is not the way to express anger.