Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa 2’ was supposed to release on August 15 this year. However, it was announced on Monday evening that the makers have pushed the film’s release date to December. They shared a note explaining this delay and the note read, “Pushpa 2 The Rule is one of the most anticipated Indian films. Following the immense success of Pushpa: The Rise, our responsibility to deliver excellence has increased significantly.We have been tirelessly working to complete the movie and release it one time. However, due to the remaining shoot and subsequent post-production work, we will not be releasing the film on August 15, 2024.”
The makers announced the new release as December 6, 2024. This will lead to the film clashing with Vicky Kaushal starrer ‘Chhava‘. The release date of the film was earlier known to be December 6, but one is not sure now if the makers of ‘Chhava’ decide to change it. Interestingly, both ‘Chhava’ and ‘Pushpa 2’ star Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead.
‘Chhava’ is based on Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj’s life. With Vicky playing his role, Rashmika would be seen playing his wife Yesubai Bhonsale in the movie.
Earlier, if ‘Pushpa 2’ was touted to release on Independence day and clash with ‘Singham Again‘. But both these movies have now been delayed. The Ajay Devgn starrer is now set for a Diwali release. Now ‘Stree 2‘, ‘Vedaa‘ and Akshay Kumar‘s ‘Khel Khel Mein‘ will be releasing on Independence Day.