During an interview with Sucharita, Johar revealed that the idea for the show was born during an unexpected moment – a trip to a funeral with the four leading ladies.“It all started with me and the four women on our way to a funeral. We were on a flight, and they were literally discussing what they are wearing which kind of salwar kameez! Maheep was too blingy and she was trying to justify, the other was too sober. I was like, ‘Someone has passed away, we are going to their funeral, and you are discussing your outfits?! Does anyone care!’ I thought I have to make a show with these four women,” he said.
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The reality show, which premiered in 2020, was an instant hit, with viewers dubbing it a “cringe binge.” Johar, who serves as the producer, said he is aware of the show’s appeal and is “proud of it.” “When people say, ‘We were hating it but we couldn’t stop watching it,’ I am like job done! We have season three coming up and I know this is going to be the best season. I was watching it on my flight because they sent me the rushes and I was laughing so loudly! Everyone thought I was watching some comedy, but I couldn’t believe these women they are all so fantastic!”
For the upcoming third season, the show is set to expand its horizons. Joining the veteran cast members will be Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, the daughter of Neetu Kapoor and sister of Ranbir Kapoor. Additionally, two new “wives” from Delhi, philanthropist Shalini Passi and entrepreneur Kalyani Saha Chawla, will be introduced, promising a Delhi-Mumbai rivalry within the show.
With the new additions and the promise of even more drama and glamour, fans of “The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives” can look forward to an even more entertaining and captivating third season. As Johar aptly put it, “I know this is going to be the best season.”