For those unfamiliar with the situation, the controversy erupted after fans discovered footage in one of Jennie’s vlogs showing her allegedly smoking an electronic cigarette indoors. In the video, Jennie is seen holding a dark-colored device to her lips while receiving hair and makeup services, followed by exhaling smoke in the next frame.
While Jennie is of legal age to smoke, the act of smoking indoors, whether using traditional cigarettes or electronic devices, is often prohibited in many countries, including South Korea and Italy where she was reportedly filming. Netizens and fans alike criticized Jennie for potentially disregarding indoor smoking laws and for exposing her staff to second-hand smoke.
Indoor smoking regulations are taken seriously due to health concerns and legal restrictions aimed at protecting individuals from the effects of second-hand smoke. The incident has sparked a debate online about the responsibilities of public figures and the importance of adhering to local laws, regardless of one’s status or location. As ODD ATELIER continues to investigate the matter, public scrutiny and discussion surrounding Jennie’s actions are expected to persist.