After their lavish Mumbai wedding on July 12 and hosting receptions for several days, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant flew to Jamnagar. They received a warm welcome in the small Gujarat city and later, Radhika performed a traditional Griha Pravesh at their new home.
Upon arriving in the city on July 16, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant were greeted by a crowd showering them with flowers, a gesture for the animal-loving couple.After thanking everyone for the warm welcome, they proceeded to their lavish house in Jamnagar.
Just like every new bride, Radhika received a traditional welcome by pandits present at the site. In a viral clip, she was seen soaking her feet in red dye (Alta) and leaving her footprints on cloth before entering Anant’s house as his wife.
Anant and Radhika hosted a three-day pre-wedding celebration in Jamnagar, Gujarat. Anant mentioned that his grandmother was born in the city, and both his grandfather Dhirubhai Ambani and father began their business journey there.
Anant had earlier mentioned that growing up in Jamnagar holds special significance for him, and he feels fortunate to have celebrated his wedding festivities there, “This is my dadi’s janmbhoomi and my dada and papa’s karmbhoomi,” he added.
Upon arriving in the city on July 16, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant were greeted by a crowd showering them with flowers, a gesture for the animal-loving couple.After thanking everyone for the warm welcome, they proceeded to their lavish house in Jamnagar.
Just like every new bride, Radhika received a traditional welcome by pandits present at the site. In a viral clip, she was seen soaking her feet in red dye (Alta) and leaving her footprints on cloth before entering Anant’s house as his wife.
Anant and Radhika hosted a three-day pre-wedding celebration in Jamnagar, Gujarat. Anant mentioned that his grandmother was born in the city, and both his grandfather Dhirubhai Ambani and father began their business journey there.
Anant had earlier mentioned that growing up in Jamnagar holds special significance for him, and he feels fortunate to have celebrated his wedding festivities there, “This is my dadi’s janmbhoomi and my dada and papa’s karmbhoomi,” he added.
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