Anushka Ranjan recently opened up about her close friendships with fellow actors Alia Bhatt and Vaani Kapoor, shedding light on the dynamics of their relationships amidst the backdrop of their flourishing careers in Bollywood. Ranjan, who is known for her roles in films like Wedding Pullav and Batti Gul Meter Chalu, and shows like Fittrat, has made a conscious effort to celebrate her friends’ successes instead of comparing herself to them, a sentiment she articulated in a recent interview.
Anushka Ranjan shares a unique bond with Vaani Kapoor, who is not only her best friend, but also a source of support in the competitive world of acting.Ranjan’s sister, Akansha Ranjan, is also a close friend of Alia Bhatt, creating a tight-knit circle among the three actresses.
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Anushka Ranjan was asked if the success of her friends ever made her question her own career choices, Anushka responded candidly: “It is very easy to feel that way, but I have made a conscious effort to not do that. If I go into comparisons, I will be a very bitter and sad person.”
Ranjan emphasizes the importance of friendship by elaborating, “I have such a beautiful relationship with Vaani, and even our mums would get together and talk about our flaws. I went to Alia’s home recently to play with Raha. If I put the comparisons in mind, I would lose out on such beautiful moments.” This statement highlights the depth of their friendship
On the work front, Anushka Ranjan is making her acting comeback after a five-year hiatus with her upcoming show Mixture, where she will portray a complex, morally ambiguous character.
During her time away from acting, Anushka Ranjan explored opportunities in production. However, she expressed that pursuing it full-time is challenging given the current state of the industry.
Anushka Ranjan shares a unique bond with Vaani Kapoor, who is not only her best friend, but also a source of support in the competitive world of acting.Ranjan’s sister, Akansha Ranjan, is also a close friend of Alia Bhatt, creating a tight-knit circle among the three actresses.
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Anushka Ranjan was asked if the success of her friends ever made her question her own career choices, Anushka responded candidly: “It is very easy to feel that way, but I have made a conscious effort to not do that. If I go into comparisons, I will be a very bitter and sad person.”
Ranjan emphasizes the importance of friendship by elaborating, “I have such a beautiful relationship with Vaani, and even our mums would get together and talk about our flaws. I went to Alia’s home recently to play with Raha. If I put the comparisons in mind, I would lose out on such beautiful moments.” This statement highlights the depth of their friendship
On the work front, Anushka Ranjan is making her acting comeback after a five-year hiatus with her upcoming show Mixture, where she will portray a complex, morally ambiguous character.
During her time away from acting, Anushka Ranjan explored opportunities in production. However, she expressed that pursuing it full-time is challenging given the current state of the industry.