In a video posted by ANI, which was taken outside the Parliament, Jaya Bachchan is seen being asked for her opinion on the Budget 2024. She initially stated that she had nothing to talk about.“I have no reaction,” Jaya Bachchan said, further adding, “Ye koi budget hai reaction karney wala?”
She also expressed her disappointment in the recent budget. “It is just a drama. Promises that are kept on paper will never be implemented,” the MP reacted.
Meanwhile, Jaya Bachchan was recently spotted at the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in Mumbai. She was accompanied by her husband and legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan, their children – Shweta and Abhishek, son-in-law and granddaughter Navya Naveli.
Veteran Actress Jaya Bachchan’s EPIC Response to Budget 2024 Question! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!
On the work front, Jaya Bachchan was last seen in ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ directed by Karan Johar. The film featured Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, and Shabana Azmi in the lead roles. Jaya Bachchan played the role of Dhanlakshmi, Rocky’s (played by Ranveer Singh) grandmother.