The film’s advance booking for Day 1 is already making waves.It will have a wide release in India, with Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu dubbed versions alongside the English version. According to reports from, the film has scored an all-India advance collection of Rs 12.06 crore nett. This impressive figure comes from a total of 4.25 lakh ticket sales for an estimated 12,787 shows. Including blocked seats, the movie’s total advance sales hit an estimated Rs 14.61 crore.
Maharashtra has recorded the highest numbers, with advance sales reaching an estimated Rs 1.94 crore and collections hitting Rs 2.3 crore with blocked seats. Delhi follows with a collection of Rs 1.62 crore, Tamil Nadu at Rs 1.3 crore, and Karnataka raking in Rs 1.47 crore.
Meanwhile, at the North American box office, the R-rated film is eyeing a $35 million collection and could potentially exceed $40 million for its preview shows alone.
Scheduled to hit the big screen on July 26, the third Deadpool movie, directed by Shawn Levy, has generated anticipation among Indian audiences comparable to some of Marvel’s biggest past releases. The film is reportedly releasing on over 3,000 screens across the country, scoring one of the biggest pre-sales of the year in India and for a Marvel title in recent times.
As of 9 PM on July 25, “Deadpool 3” sold 425K tickets, worth over Rs 12 crores gross (Rs 14.61 crores including blocked seats) for the opening day across all versions. This level of advance sales could easily ensure a Rs 30 crore gross opening. However, considering that the film has an ‘A’ rating might pose a challenge for younger audiences keen to watch the film.
Marvel has an incredible fan following in India, as evidenced by the performance of its previous films. Despite the age restrictions, “Deadpool 3” is still expected to achieve a 25+ crore gross (21+ crore net) opening across all versions.
The film may just pull off a surprise, much like last year’s release of the Ranbir Kapoor-fronted “Animal“. Despite an ‘A’ rating, the film managed to become one of the highest earning films of the year, with collections hitting the Rs 900 crore mark. If “Deadpool 3” follows a similar trend in spot bookings, the opening could surpass Rs 30 crores gross.
Positive reviews, already surfacing online, will likely boost spot bookings and, if the content resonates with audiences, the sky is the limit for this Marvel tentpole.
Deadpool & Wolverine – Official Tamil Trailer