Legendary Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar‘s lavish bungalow plot was being redeveloped into a luxury building in 2023. It is now being reported that the late actor’s triplex in the building has been sold out for a solid deal. Construction company Apco Infratech Pvt Ltd has purchaed the property, touted as one of the biggest real estate deals in the locality.
The triplex was sold for a whopping Rs 172 crore, calculated according to Rs 1.81 lakh per sq ft. The deal, which was registered on July 23, also mentioned a stamp duty of Rs 9.3 crore. Spread across the 9th, 10th and 11th floor of the building, the property boasts of 9,572 sq ft of carpet area. The redeveloped building will have 11 floors, housing luxury and duplex apartments. A 2,00 sq ft museum will also be reportedly dedicated to the celebrated actor, curated in consulatation with his wife Saira Banu. Nestled on the ground floor, this tribute to Dilip Kumar will have a separate access. This luxurious residential project is being developed on the same plot where late actor Dilip Kumar’s bungalow once stood in all its glory.
This property was once embroiled in a long drawn legal battle. Dilip Kumar had purchased the rights of the property from one Hasan Chamruddin, who had the property on a lease deed for 999 years from Khatau trust. The family wanted to redevelop the property, but an eviction notice from the successors of the Khatau Trust in 2014 landed them in a legal battle. Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu were staying at Saira Nivas bungalow when this dispute emerged. Back in 2017, it Saira Banu was finally handed over the keys of the proerty by the Mumbai police after she won the case. In 2023 it was reported that the property would be demolished to make way for a luxurious tower.
The triplex was sold for a whopping Rs 172 crore, calculated according to Rs 1.81 lakh per sq ft. The deal, which was registered on July 23, also mentioned a stamp duty of Rs 9.3 crore. Spread across the 9th, 10th and 11th floor of the building, the property boasts of 9,572 sq ft of carpet area. The redeveloped building will have 11 floors, housing luxury and duplex apartments. A 2,00 sq ft museum will also be reportedly dedicated to the celebrated actor, curated in consulatation with his wife Saira Banu. Nestled on the ground floor, this tribute to Dilip Kumar will have a separate access. This luxurious residential project is being developed on the same plot where late actor Dilip Kumar’s bungalow once stood in all its glory.
This property was once embroiled in a long drawn legal battle. Dilip Kumar had purchased the rights of the property from one Hasan Chamruddin, who had the property on a lease deed for 999 years from Khatau trust. The family wanted to redevelop the property, but an eviction notice from the successors of the Khatau Trust in 2014 landed them in a legal battle. Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu were staying at Saira Nivas bungalow when this dispute emerged. Back in 2017, it Saira Banu was finally handed over the keys of the proerty by the Mumbai police after she won the case. In 2023 it was reported that the property would be demolished to make way for a luxurious tower.
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