In a heartwarming gesture, Salman Khan pledged to the Marrow Donor Registry India (MDRI) in 2010. According to a Zee report, his commitment to this cause came to light when a little girl named Pooja needed a bone marrow transplant. Inspired by her story, Salman encouraged his entire football team to donate. However, when they backed out at the last minute, Salman and his brother Arbaaz Khan stepped up. Their donations made them the first Indian celebrities to donate bone marrow, highlighting their unyielding commitment to helping those in need.
Dr. Sunil Parekh, a board member of MDRI at the time, expressed his gratitude, stating, “The people suffering from disease and I thank Salman Khan for coming forward and taking up our cause. Four years ago, Salman had read about Pooja, a little girl who was in need of bone marrow transplant. He got his entire football team to come and donate marrow. Unfortunately, they all backed out last minute, and only Salman and Arbaaz landed up donating and became the first donors.”
Salman Khan’s philanthropic efforts are not limited to one-off acts of kindness. His ongoing support through his charitable foundation has provided aid in healthcare and education, improving the lives of many. The foundation’s initiatives, from funding surgeries to offering scholarships, have been instrumental in bringing positive change.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Salman Khan continues to shine. He is set to star in ‘Sikandar,’ an action-packed film directed by AR Murugadoss of ‘Ghajini’ fame. Co-starring Rashmika Mandanna, the movie is slated for release during Eid 2025, promising to be another blockbuster.
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