Karisma Kapoor, who has consistently entertained the audience with her films in the 90s and early 2000s, walked down memory lane and recalled the time when Sachin Tendulkar visited the sets of ‘Andaz Apna Apna’.
During an interview with Pinkvilla, Karisma Kapoor remembered seeing a black-and-white photo from the ‘Andaz Apna Apna’ sets that featured her with director Rajkumar Santoshi and co-star Salman Khan and recalled it was the film’s mahurat shot.”I remember we were all so nervous. I think this was my first mahurat. In those days, this mahurat used to happen, and we had to do this live scene and say a few lines, and we used to be so nervous,” she said.
The actress was asked if she remembered the lines, she laughed and said, “No.” She further recalled that the Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar “graced the occasion,” and further added that the team was thrilled about him because “he was just this teen sensation.”
The cult film ‘Andaz Apna Apna’ also starred Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Raveena Tandon in the lead, along with Paresh Rawal, Shakti Kapoor, Viju Khote, and Tiku Talsania.
Karisma remembered working with “Chichi Bhaiya” Govinda on the famous song ‘Main To Raste Se Jaa Raha Tha’ from the 1995 movie ‘Coolie No’. 1. She remarked, “We shot for Husn Hai Suhana before this, so I think by then we had struck a chemistry and a friendship,” adding that this was her first massy song.
On the work front, Karisma Kapoor was last seen in Homi Adajania’s film ‘Murder Mubarak’. It also starred Sara Ali Khan, Pankaj Tripathi, Vijay Varma, Dimple Kapadia, Tisca Chopra and Sanjay Kapoor among others. The actress is yet to announce her next project.
During an interview with Pinkvilla, Karisma Kapoor remembered seeing a black-and-white photo from the ‘Andaz Apna Apna’ sets that featured her with director Rajkumar Santoshi and co-star Salman Khan and recalled it was the film’s mahurat shot.”I remember we were all so nervous. I think this was my first mahurat. In those days, this mahurat used to happen, and we had to do this live scene and say a few lines, and we used to be so nervous,” she said.
The actress was asked if she remembered the lines, she laughed and said, “No.” She further recalled that the Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar “graced the occasion,” and further added that the team was thrilled about him because “he was just this teen sensation.”
The cult film ‘Andaz Apna Apna’ also starred Aamir Khan, Salman Khan and Raveena Tandon in the lead, along with Paresh Rawal, Shakti Kapoor, Viju Khote, and Tiku Talsania.
Karisma remembered working with “Chichi Bhaiya” Govinda on the famous song ‘Main To Raste Se Jaa Raha Tha’ from the 1995 movie ‘Coolie No’. 1. She remarked, “We shot for Husn Hai Suhana before this, so I think by then we had struck a chemistry and a friendship,” adding that this was her first massy song.
On the work front, Karisma Kapoor was last seen in Homi Adajania’s film ‘Murder Mubarak’. It also starred Sara Ali Khan, Pankaj Tripathi, Vijay Varma, Dimple Kapadia, Tisca Chopra and Sanjay Kapoor among others. The actress is yet to announce her next project.
Karisma Kapoor dazzles in a stunning sapphire ensemble!