In 2022, on the special occasion of the actor’s 67th birthday, an old cover of an English magazine featuring Chiranjeevi resurfaced online. The September 13, 1992, issue of The Week magazine notably claimed that Chiranjeevi earned a staggering salary of Rs 1.25 crore for a film, boldly declaring him “bigger than Bachchan.”
The 1990s were particularly golden for Chiranjeevi, with a series of commercial hits that solidified his position at the pinnacle of Tollywood. Movies like ‘Kondaveeti Donga,’ ‘Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari,’ ‘Kodama Simham,’ ‘Gang Leader,’ ‘Aapadbandhavudu,’ and ‘Mutha Mestri’ were not just box office successes but cultural phenomena. These films showcased his versatility and star power, making him a household name and a significant player in Indian cinema.
In a fascinating twist of fate, Chiranjeevi and Amitabh Bachchan, two titans of Indian cinema, shared the screen in the 2019 historical drama ‘Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy.’ In the film, Big B played the mentor to Chiranjeevi’s character, a role that added another layer of depth to the narrative. The film, inspired by the real-life revolt led by a Telugu leader against the British Raj, brought together the best of both Bollywood and Tollywood, much to the delight of fans.
Coming to the present day, Chiranjeevi was last seen in the 2023 film ‘Bhola Shankar.’ Next on his plate is ‘Vishwambhara,’ the socio-fantasy film, which will also feature Trisha Krishnan. Amitabh Bachchan on the other hand recently recreated waves for all the good reasons with the release of his film ‘Kalki 2898 AD.’
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