Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma recently opened up about Aamir Khan‘s passion for Forrest Gump and also reflected on the failure of Laal Singh Chadha. In a recent chat with Galatta Plus, RGV revealed that Aamir was deeply inspired by Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump (1994) while working on Rangeela. According to him, Aamir was obsessed with the film and envisioned Laal Singh Chaddha, the Hindi remake directed by Advait Chandan, as a dream project.
“Aamir loves Forrest Gump. So it (Laal Singh Chaddha) was like a dream project for him. And he’d been making it in his head. It could have come out well or not, I don’t know. But the point is, by the time you reach the end, he’s catering to an audience who had never seen Forrest Gump. It was basically an Aamir Khan film; it needn’t have a history behind it. So, what Aamir took from Forrest Gump as subject matter might not have piqued the interest of the audience. But all these are speculations, by the way,” he said.
Mona Singh, in her recent interview with Siddharth Kannan, shared that Aamir was quite affected by the film’s failure. Despite this, he hosted a party to celebrate the team’s efforts and took full responsibility for the film’s outcome. She mentioned she was initially sad about the film’s performance but later found solace in the positive response it received on social media.
“Aamir loves Forrest Gump. So it (Laal Singh Chaddha) was like a dream project for him. And he’d been making it in his head. It could have come out well or not, I don’t know. But the point is, by the time you reach the end, he’s catering to an audience who had never seen Forrest Gump. It was basically an Aamir Khan film; it needn’t have a history behind it. So, what Aamir took from Forrest Gump as subject matter might not have piqued the interest of the audience. But all these are speculations, by the way,” he said.
Mona Singh, in her recent interview with Siddharth Kannan, shared that Aamir was quite affected by the film’s failure. Despite this, he hosted a party to celebrate the team’s efforts and took full responsibility for the film’s outcome. She mentioned she was initially sad about the film’s performance but later found solace in the positive response it received on social media.
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Laal Singh Chaddha is a Hindi adaptation of Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright. It tells the story of a kind-hearted man with a low IQ who unintentionally influences major events in India through his optimistic perspective. The film also features Naga Chaitanya in his Bollywood debut and stars Kareena Kapoor Khan.