Shah Rukh Khan fans were in for a treat as the actor was spotted at the airport in the wee hours of Friday morning. The actor jetted off to an undisclosed destination, as he was spotted with his manager Pooja Dadlani. However, what stole the show was his look! SRK literally took everyone back to ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ days when he played a college boy. This look had all those vibes to it.
The actor opted for a very cool red jacket, along with baggy blue denims.He tied his hair into a small pony tail and the internet seems obsessed with his hair. As a fan clubbed shared this video, here’s how netizens reacted. A user said, “Hayee ❤ kithey chaley oh gorgeous his hair even shinning in the night heart my love be safe ❤”
The fan club wrote, “King Khan jetting off with an airport style game that’s always on point! ♥️”
Fans were also curious to know where is he headed.
On work front, post the success of ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Jawan’ last year, SRK now seems to be gearing up for the Sujoy Ghosh’s next film titled ‘King’. It will see Shah Rukh along with daughter Suhana Khan. Abhishek Bachchan is set to play a negative character in the movie and Amitabh Bachchan had confirmed these reports. As per a latest report, ‘Munjya’ actor Abhay Verma has also joined the cast of the film.
The actor opted for a very cool red jacket, along with baggy blue denims.He tied his hair into a small pony tail and the internet seems obsessed with his hair. As a fan clubbed shared this video, here’s how netizens reacted. A user said, “Hayee ❤ kithey chaley oh gorgeous his hair even shinning in the night heart my love be safe ❤”
The fan club wrote, “King Khan jetting off with an airport style game that’s always on point! ♥️”
Fans were also curious to know where is he headed.
On work front, post the success of ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Jawan’ last year, SRK now seems to be gearing up for the Sujoy Ghosh’s next film titled ‘King’. It will see Shah Rukh along with daughter Suhana Khan. Abhishek Bachchan is set to play a negative character in the movie and Amitabh Bachchan had confirmed these reports. As per a latest report, ‘Munjya’ actor Abhay Verma has also joined the cast of the film.