The Ghazal King, the late music director and vocalist Jagjit Singh went through a terrible time in his life after losing his 20-year-old son Vivek Singh in a horrific car accident. Vivek passed away unexpectedly, shocking Jagjit Singh and his wife Chitra Singh. Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt recently disclosed in an interview that the late singer had a strong emotional connection to his 1984 film ‘Saaransh’, which explored a similar subject of grief and the unjust bureaucratic system of the nation.
During a conversation with Radio Nasha, Mahesh shared, “My friend Jagjit Singh had to face a lot of problems to claim the body of his dead son due to bureaucracy and he told me that the scene in Saaransh where Anupam Kher says, ‘Mein TV lene nahi aaya hu, mere bete ki arthi lene aaya hu.’ He told me that he felt the character’s pain. He told me, ‘Whatever you showed on the screen, I felt that in real-life.’”
Mahesh Bhatt and Anupam Kher commemorated Saaransh’s 40th anniversary in February of this year. Bhatt gave a more detailed account of Jagjit Singh’s tragic experience during the event, explaining how the singer was forced to bribe subordinate police in order to obtain his son’s body. The filmmaker shared, “When the son of Jagjit Singh passed away in a tragic accident, he told me that he had to pay bribe to junior officers get his son’s body and that’s when he understood the importance of Saaransh. That how much a common man struggles, to get the dead body of their own. All these are living reference points for the film.”
‘Saaransh’, the film that launched Anupam Kher, continues to be among Mahesh Bhatt’s most well-known works. In the film, Kher portrayed an old Mumbai-based Maharashtrian man who must deal with the death of his sole son, the family’s primary provider. Strong performances were also given in the movie by Soni Razdan, Madan Jain, Nilu Phule, Suhas Bhalekar, and Rohini Hattangadi. Critics commended ‘Saaransh’ for its powerful portrayal of grief and resiliency.
During a conversation with Radio Nasha, Mahesh shared, “My friend Jagjit Singh had to face a lot of problems to claim the body of his dead son due to bureaucracy and he told me that the scene in Saaransh where Anupam Kher says, ‘Mein TV lene nahi aaya hu, mere bete ki arthi lene aaya hu.’ He told me that he felt the character’s pain. He told me, ‘Whatever you showed on the screen, I felt that in real-life.’”
Mahesh Bhatt and Anupam Kher commemorated Saaransh’s 40th anniversary in February of this year. Bhatt gave a more detailed account of Jagjit Singh’s tragic experience during the event, explaining how the singer was forced to bribe subordinate police in order to obtain his son’s body. The filmmaker shared, “When the son of Jagjit Singh passed away in a tragic accident, he told me that he had to pay bribe to junior officers get his son’s body and that’s when he understood the importance of Saaransh. That how much a common man struggles, to get the dead body of their own. All these are living reference points for the film.”
‘Saaransh’, the film that launched Anupam Kher, continues to be among Mahesh Bhatt’s most well-known works. In the film, Kher portrayed an old Mumbai-based Maharashtrian man who must deal with the death of his sole son, the family’s primary provider. Strong performances were also given in the movie by Soni Razdan, Madan Jain, Nilu Phule, Suhas Bhalekar, and Rohini Hattangadi. Critics commended ‘Saaransh’ for its powerful portrayal of grief and resiliency.
Mahesh Bhatt and Anupam Kher reminisce about ‘Saaransh’ success in candid conversation