Javed Akhtar, who completed his education at Safia College in Bhopal, came to Bombay with dreams of working as an assistant director for filmmakers like Guru Dutt or Raj Kapoor, whom he admired deeply.“They were the directors I admired a lot at that time. I was sure I’d become a director myself in a short time,” Javed recalled. However, the reality of his early days in the city was a far cry from the glamorous world of cinema he had envisioned.
Javed shared that after spending just five days in his father’s house, he decided to strike out on his own. With no stable place to stay, he relied on the kindness of friends and spent many nights sleeping at railway stations, parks, studio compounds, and on benches. The struggle to survive was intense, and one memory that stood out was when he was left with nothing to wear. “My last trouser and the only trouser was torn to the extent that it couldn’t be worn anymore. And I had no other trousers,” Javed recounted. Having left his aunt’s house at the age of 15, he was determined to make it on his own without seeking help from his family.
In a poignant addition to Javed’s story, his wife, Shabana Azmi, revealed that there was a time when he hadn’t eaten for three days. “It was raining heavily, and from an apartment in a nearby building, he saw a faint light shining. He saw that light and said to himself: ‘I wasn’t born to die like this. This time shall pass.’” Her words highlighted the sheer resilience and determination that Javed Akhtar held onto during his most challenging times.
Reflecting on those difficult years, Javed broke down in tears as he spoke about the lasting impact of deprivation. “If you have been deprived of food or sleep in your life, it leaves a deep mark on you that you’ll never forget,” he said, his voice filled with emotion. Even today, when staying at luxury hotels, Javed is often reminded of his early struggles. “Sometimes I’m served breakfast on a trolley, with butter, jam, half-fried eggs, coffee, and I think to myself: ‘Teri aukaat thi? Do I deserve this?’ Even now, it feels like this breakfast isn’t meant for me,” he confessed.
Javed Akhtar Reflects on First Encounter with Baby Salman Khan
Javed Akhtar’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience required to overcome adversity and the deep emotional scars that such experiences leave behind.