Khel Khel Mein, featuring Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu, Fardeen Khan, and Vaani Kapoor, had disappointing earnings on Raksha Bandhan, making just around Rs 2 crore nett. The film’s performance worsened, dropping nearly 50 percent on Tuesday, with a collection of Rs 1.10 crore. Its total earnings so far are Rs 17.15 crore, according to Sacnilk.
The film might have fared better if it had a solo release, but with Stree 2 performing exceptionally well, Khel Khel Mein struggled to gain traction.
Meanwhile, Vedaa, starring John Abraham and Sharvari Wagh, is performing even worse. It earned Rs 1.5 crore nett on Monday, but this fell to Rs 60 lakh on Tuesday, bringing its total earnings to Rs 16.10 crore in six days.
The film might have fared better if it had a solo release, but with Stree 2 performing exceptionally well, Khel Khel Mein struggled to gain traction.
Meanwhile, Vedaa, starring John Abraham and Sharvari Wagh, is performing even worse. It earned Rs 1.5 crore nett on Monday, but this fell to Rs 60 lakh on Tuesday, bringing its total earnings to Rs 16.10 crore in six days.
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In contrast, Stree 2, with Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, is a massive hit. The film had the fifth highest Monday collection ever, making over Rs 38 crore nett. Only films like Tiger 3 (due to its Sunday release), Baahubali – The Conclusion, Gadar 2 – The Katha Continues, and Animal have earned more on a Monday.
The success continued into Tuesday, with Stree 2 expected to earn around Rs 25 crore on its sixth day. The film has already crossed the Rs 250 crore mark within its first week, with a total collection of Rs 254.55 crore.