According to, this highly anticipated sequel to the 2018 hit is set to join the elite Rs 300 crore club soon. On its 7th day, Stree 2 raked in Rs 16.5 crore in India, bringing its total earnings to Rs 271.85 crore.Released on Independence Day (August 15) alongside Khel Khel Mein and Vedaa, the film continues to perform strongly at the box office.
In India, Stree 2 had a robust opening day, earning Rs 51.8 crore. The second day saw the film collect Rs 31.4 crore, followed by Rs 43.85 crore on the third day. The fourth day brought in Rs 55.9 crore, while the fifth day added Rs 38.1 crore. On the sixth day, the film earned Rs 25.8 crore.
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Directed by Amar Kaushik, Stree 2 hit theatres on August 15, Independence Day. This sequel stars Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Abhishek Banerjee, Pankaj Tripathi, and Aparshakti Khurana. The film continues the story of Vicky, played by Rajkummar, and his friends as they confront a new menace—a headless ghost named Sarkata.
Stree 2 is a key installment in producer Dinesh Vijan‘s expansive horror-comedy universe, which also features Bhediya and Munjya. The film has garnered attention not only for its storyline but also for Akshay Kumar‘s special appearance and a cameo by Varun Dhawan.