Thalapathy Vijay’s fans are wreaking havoc at the box office and the ticket sales for The Greatest of All Time are jumping by a huge margin with each passing day for premiere shows in the United States of America. The actioner witnessed an 850 percent jump on Wednesday, taking the film’s collection to US $ 34514 ( Rs 29 lakh) by selling over 1350 tickets.
It witnessed a jump by more than 100 percent by Thursday morning as the film has sold 2865 tickets, amassing a total of US $ 76,645 (Rs 64.33 lakh). With exactly two weeks to go for the release of The Greatest of All Time, one can expect the film to mint a minimum of US $1 million from the premiere shows.
The Greatest of All Time will see Vijay in a dual role once again, it also features Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Jayaram, Sneha, Laila, Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh, Ajmal Ameer, Manobala, Vaibhav, Premgi, Ajay Raj, and Aravind Akash.
The Greatest of All Time is going to be the second last time fans will be able to see Vijay on the big screen as the superstar gears to enter politics. He even launched his political party some time back and this morning he launched the flag and the symbol of his party. Vijay’s last film was Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Leo: Bloody Sweet, which held the record of highest day one collection of Rs 140 crore.
It witnessed a jump by more than 100 percent by Thursday morning as the film has sold 2865 tickets, amassing a total of US $ 76,645 (Rs 64.33 lakh). With exactly two weeks to go for the release of The Greatest of All Time, one can expect the film to mint a minimum of US $1 million from the premiere shows.
The Greatest of All Time will see Vijay in a dual role once again, it also features Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Jayaram, Sneha, Laila, Yogi Babu, VTV Ganesh, Ajmal Ameer, Manobala, Vaibhav, Premgi, Ajay Raj, and Aravind Akash.
The Greatest of All Time is going to be the second last time fans will be able to see Vijay on the big screen as the superstar gears to enter politics. He even launched his political party some time back and this morning he launched the flag and the symbol of his party. Vijay’s last film was Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Leo: Bloody Sweet, which held the record of highest day one collection of Rs 140 crore.