Serbian actor-model Natasa Stankovic and cricket player Hardik Pandya announced their separation on Instagram in July. Post this, Natasa and her son Agastya travelled to Serbia, where they even celebrated Agastya’s fourth birthday. Weeks after reports of Hardik dating British singer and TV personality Jasmin Walia surfaced online, Natasa is back in Mumbai.
Natasa Stankovic, who is currently in Mumbai with his son Agastya, dropped off her son at the cricketer’s home on Tuesday.Hardik’s aunt, Pankhuri Sharma, took to her Instagram stories and shared an adorable video where she can be seen spending some quality time with Agastya.
Natasa has now posted a picture with Disha Patani‘s rumoured boyfriend Aleksandar Alex Ilic. The diva took to her Instagram Stories and shared a mirror selfie with Aleksandar. In her post-workout picture, Natasa can be seen wearing a neon crop top with black tights and eyeglasses. Along with the post, she wrote, “Seka @iamaleksandarilic” with a handshake emoji.
Just a few hours after arriving in Mumbai, Natasa posted a video of herself driving through the city while listening to music on Instagram Stories on Monday. Along with the video, she added, “Mumbai rains (rain emoji).” Natasa also posted a happy selfie on Sunday while travelling to India. Before takeoff, she shared a photo of the runway as well.
Natasa has been in the news for months now over her separation from Hardik. On May 31, 2020, Natasa and Hardik tied the knot. On July 30 of the same year, their son Agastya was born. After months of speculation over their marital status, the two released a joint statement on social media in July, stating that they had ‘mutually decided to part ways’.
Natasa Stankovic, who is currently in Mumbai with his son Agastya, dropped off her son at the cricketer’s home on Tuesday.Hardik’s aunt, Pankhuri Sharma, took to her Instagram stories and shared an adorable video where she can be seen spending some quality time with Agastya.
Natasa has now posted a picture with Disha Patani‘s rumoured boyfriend Aleksandar Alex Ilic. The diva took to her Instagram Stories and shared a mirror selfie with Aleksandar. In her post-workout picture, Natasa can be seen wearing a neon crop top with black tights and eyeglasses. Along with the post, she wrote, “Seka @iamaleksandarilic” with a handshake emoji.
Just a few hours after arriving in Mumbai, Natasa posted a video of herself driving through the city while listening to music on Instagram Stories on Monday. Along with the video, she added, “Mumbai rains (rain emoji).” Natasa also posted a happy selfie on Sunday while travelling to India. Before takeoff, she shared a photo of the runway as well.
Natasa has been in the news for months now over her separation from Hardik. On May 31, 2020, Natasa and Hardik tied the knot. On July 30 of the same year, their son Agastya was born. After months of speculation over their marital status, the two released a joint statement on social media in July, stating that they had ‘mutually decided to part ways’.
Jasmin Walia’s Old Picture and Hardik Pandya’s Social Media Activity Fuel Cheating Rumours