On Saturday, the actress took to Instagram, to share a series of photos from the intimate family celebrations.For the festival, Ananya dressed in a pastel floral suit and wore her hair in a neat bun. Sharing photos of the lord Ganesha idol, she also gave fans a look at the beautiful flower arrangements.
In her photos, the actress posed with hands joined in prayer as she knelt beside the idol. Her parents, Chunky Panday and Bhavana Panday also joined in for a happy picture. Sharing the photos, she captioned it as, “Welcome home Bappa.”
Ananya, made her OTT debut on Friday with the release of the comedy series that sees her playing the lead role of Bae. The first episode went viral after fans took note of the actress recreating Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra‘s filmy wedding video. Since the series debut, the actress has been receiving love from fans and friends alike for her hilarious antics in the series and her epic comic timing.
On the work front, the actress has exciting projects lined up, including ‘CTRL’ and ‘Shankara’.
Call Me Bae Exclusive: Ananya Panday Spills The Beans On Playing A Diametrically Opposite Role