Kareena Kapoor Khan has turned a year older on September 21. The film Chameli stands high as one the best movies in her career and in one of press events, the actress recollected about the iconic film by saying that she did the movie at 22 when everyone thought that she don’t be able to do the role.
Talking to the press during the Kareena Kapoor Khan festival, she said, “When I was 22, I did Chameli and people thought I won’t be able to do but it went so well.”
She further said that an actor should be able to choose different roles in his or her career and taking her case as an example, she said that she can’t do Singham movie her whole career.Kareena said, “You also want to do things differently. We can’t work in a same movie to last 25 years” Kareena said that my choosing different roles it acts as an oxygen tank which helps in longevity.
Kareena further added her insightful words as she said that when she did the iconic film ‘Chameli’ she was only 22 and everyone thought she won’t be able to take up the role and do it with perfection. “For that time, the movie did so well. I think at this age in my career, it’s important to do different types of roles.”
‘The Buckingham Murders ‘ actress also said that she can’t be seen doing Geet (her character in Jab We Met) all the time. Adding to this, Kareena said that during ‘Jab We Met’ times, people thought she will be able to perform such kind of roles and as a result most of the roles that came to her were Geet type characters.
She concluded by saying that if she had only picked Geet kind of roles after Jab We Met’s success, the Kareena Kapoor Khan festival would not have happened as she thinks “that role would not be part of the pop culture.”
Talking to the press during the Kareena Kapoor Khan festival, she said, “When I was 22, I did Chameli and people thought I won’t be able to do but it went so well.”
She further said that an actor should be able to choose different roles in his or her career and taking her case as an example, she said that she can’t do Singham movie her whole career.Kareena said, “You also want to do things differently. We can’t work in a same movie to last 25 years” Kareena said that my choosing different roles it acts as an oxygen tank which helps in longevity.
Kareena further added her insightful words as she said that when she did the iconic film ‘Chameli’ she was only 22 and everyone thought she won’t be able to take up the role and do it with perfection. “For that time, the movie did so well. I think at this age in my career, it’s important to do different types of roles.”
‘The Buckingham Murders ‘ actress also said that she can’t be seen doing Geet (her character in Jab We Met) all the time. Adding to this, Kareena said that during ‘Jab We Met’ times, people thought she will be able to perform such kind of roles and as a result most of the roles that came to her were Geet type characters.
She concluded by saying that if she had only picked Geet kind of roles after Jab We Met’s success, the Kareena Kapoor Khan festival would not have happened as she thinks “that role would not be part of the pop culture.”
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