Bollywood star Alia Bhatt recently opened up about her bond with Telugu superstar Jr NTR, with whom she shared the screen in the blockbuster film RRR. During a panel discussion called ‘Devara Ka Jigra‘, Bhatt revealed that she had expected to be intimidated by Jr NTR‘s stardom, but was pleasantly surprised by his warm and helpful nature on set.
“I had heard so much about Tarak’s stardom and the way he is, so I was naturally expecting to be severely intimidated.I was like, ‘Okay, I am going to walk on the sets and forget all my lines; I have been rehearsing for one year.”
She further added, “Contrary to what I had imagined, he was not intimidating at all. In fact, he was really helpful. I was very nervous, but he made me comfortable. When I was fumbling or was not sure, he could naturally correct me. What I love about him as an actor is that he is unpredictable,” Bhatt shared during the discussion.
Jr NTR, who was also present there, praised Alia’s acting prowess and said that he has always been an admirer of her work. The actor revealed that Bhatt is one of his closest friends in Bollywood and that they share a wonderful bond.
Overall, this interaction showed us the strong bond shared by Alia Bhatt and Jr NTR, who have emerged as two of the most talented and sought-after actors in their respective industries and beyond. Their upcoming films promise to be visual and emotional treats for the audiences.
‘Devara: Part 1‘, directed by Koratala Siva, is set to hit theaters on September 27, 2024 and also stars Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan in pivotal roles and Alia Bhatt’s ‘Jigra’, directed by Vasan Bala, is slated for release on October 11, 2024.
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