Janhvi Kapoor has made her debut in Telugu now, with Jr NTR‘s ‘Devara Part 1′. The film also stars Saif Ali Khan. The actress who has been paired opposite Jr NTR, is winning hearts with her beauty, dance and vulnerable perfomance in the movie. The actress has been sharing videos of fans in the theatres in the south who are dancing and screaming. But not just fans, Janhvi’s boyfriend also seems love struck by her, after seeing her in the movie.
Shikhar Pahariya has been serving boyfriend goals, ever since rumours of their relationship surfaced on the internet.He’s always being her cheerleader every time she has a new movie or drops new pictures on the gram. Shikhar dropped a still of Janhvi from the movie while he was watching it and he wrote, “Am I dreaming?” Janhvi reshared it with a love-filled emoji.
Shikhar and Jahnvi’s dating rumours started when they started being seen together. However, neither of the two have openly admitted to their relationship or spoken about each other. But Janhvi flaunted it quite beautifully, as she once wore a necklace with ‘Shikoo’ written on it. They have also always been together at the Ambani wedding festivities and Janhvi’s father Boney Kapoor has confirmed their relationship.
On work front, as ‘Devara’ releases, Janhvi is currently shooting for ‘Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari’ with Varun Dhawan.