The 1983 hit Avtaar revived Rajesh Khanna’s career after a late-1970s slump, reaffirming his superstar status. Directed by Mohan Kumar and co-starring Shabana Azmi, it featured the enduring devotional song “Chalo Bulaawa Aaya Hai,” cherished by Vaishno Devi devotees.
Shabana recently reflected on the difficulties of filming the iconic song Chalo Bulaawa Aaya Hai for Avtaar. She shared that, in those days, reaching the temple required trekking as there were no helicopter services, and the journey lacked basic facilities like toilets, making it a challenging experience.
Azmi also described the hardships faced during the shoot, highlighting how Rajesh Khanna, despite being a superstar, stood in line with Dalda tins like everyone else. She recalled the freezing cold, sleeping on dharamshala floors with multiple blankets, and how the team endured it all with a collective spirit, setting stardom aside.
The veteran actress, who shared a close bond with Rajesh Khanna, once recounted a humorous incident during a media interaction. Rajesh arrived limping with a bandaged ankle, claiming he had fallen off a horse during a shoot. Surprised, Shabana reminded him that they had been together all day, leaving her amused at his quick-witted response.
Shabana also shared that the superstar subtly kicked her under the table, signaling her to stay quiet. Later, he explained he didn’t want to reveal he tripped over his lungi, jokingly scolding her for always telling the truth. His playful reaction left her laughing uncontrollably.