Recently a special screening of Vikrant Massey starrer ‘The Sabarmati Report’ was hosted for the NDA leaders. It was attended by the honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, and other politicians including Rajnath Singh, Kiren Rijiju, Jitan Ram Manjhi, Ashwini Vaishnaw, and more. Taking to X, Amit Sadh has shared his thoughts on the movie. He wrote through this movie the huge hidden truths have been unveiled, and he further appreciated the makers for their efforts.
Sharing some pictures from the screening, which was held at Balyogi Auditorium in Parliament Complex Library on Monday, Amit Shah wrote, “The film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ introduced the countrymen to the truth of Godhra. Through this film, people are getting to know how an ecosystem kept such a big truth hidden from the country for years. Today I watched this film with Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji and NDA MPs. Congratulations to the entire team of ‘The Sabarmati Report’ film for this commendable effort.”
‘द साबरमती रिपोर्ट’ फिल्म ने देशवासियों को गोधरा के सच से परिचित कराया। इस फिल्म के माध्यम से लोगों को पता चल रहा है कि कैसे एक इकोसिस्टम ने इतने बड़े सच को सालों तक देश से छिपा कर रखा। आज प्रधानमंत्री श्री @narendramodi जी और NDA के सांसदों के साथ यह फिल्म देखी। इस प्रशंसनीय…
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) December 2, 2024
It isn’t only Amit Shah who expressed his admiration for the movie, Prime Minister Modi also shared his review on X. “Joined fellow NDA MPs at a screening of ‘The Sabarmati Report.’ I commend the makers of the film for their effort,” penned Prime Minister Narendra Modi on X.
Well said. It is good that this truth is coming out, and that too in a way common people can see it.
A fake narrative can persist only for a limited period of time. Eventually, the facts will always come out!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 17, 2024
‘The Sabarmati Report’
Based on the Godhra train burning incident of February 27, 2002, ‘The Sabarmati Report,’ chronicles the heartwrenching accounts of the tragedy that led to communal riots. In this incident, around 59 people.
Besides the gripping tale based on real incidents, the movie was highly lauded for its stellar performances, especially that of Vikrant Massey. The actor who in recent times solidified his place as one of the most versatile artists announced his retirement from the industry. “Hello, The last few years and beyond have been phenomenal. I thank each and every one of you for your indelible support. But as I move forward, I realise it’s time to recalibrate and go back home. As a Husband, Father & a Son. And also as an Actor. So, coming 2025, we would meet each other for one last time. Until time deems right. Last 2 movies and many a years of memories. Thank you again. For everything and everything in between. Forever indebted,” shared Vikrant in his note.
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