Sukumar directed and Allu Arjun- Rashmika Mandanna starrer Pushpa 2 – The Rule continues its wildfire run at the box office, as it is all set to complete two weeks at the box office. The film has been setting box office records since the day of the release, and the film is within a striking distance of becoming the biggest film of Indian Cinema in the next day or 2. At the end of 14 days, the film had Rs 973.2 crore and going by the morning shows, the film has added another Rs 1.8 crore to its kitty, taking the total collection of the film to Rs 975 crore.
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Pushpa 2: The Rule Movie Review
Of the total 973.2 crore, the film has collected Rs 607.35 crore from the Hindi version, and thereby it has become the highest grossing Hindi film of all time beating the names like Shraddha Kapoor’s Stree 2 and Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan. Trade Analyst Komal Nahta shares that the difference between Hindi collection and Telugu collection is only because of the capping of ticket prices in the Telugu belt, and there are no such restrictions on Hindi belt. The film is getting the same amount of appreciation in both the languages. In Telugu the film has also crossed the Rs 300 crore mark by minting Rs 323.3 crore at the end of 14 days. It has also minted Rs 51.6 crore from Tamil verison while Kannada and Malayalam version stands at Rs 6.99 crore and Rs 13.93 crore respectively.
Day-wise box office collection of Pushpa 2
Day 0 [ Wednesday]: ₹ 10.65 Cr
Day 1 [1st Thursday]: ₹ 164.25 Cr
Day 2 [1st Friday]: ₹ 93.8 Cr
Day 3 [1st Saturday]: ₹ 119.25 Cr
Day 4 [1st Sunday]: ₹ 141.05 Cr
Day 5 [1st Monday]: ₹ 64.45 Cr
Day 6 [1st Tuesday]: ₹ 51.55 Cr
Day 7 [1st Wednesday]: ₹ 43.35 C
rDay 8 [2nd Thursday]: ₹ 37.45 C
Week 1 Collection: ₹ 725.8 CrDay
9 [2nd Friday]: ₹ 36.4 Cr
Day 10 [2nd Saturday]: ₹ 63.3 Cr
Day 11 [2nd Sunday]: ₹ 76.6 Cr
Day 12 [2nd Monday]: ₹ 26.95 Cr
Day 13 [2nd Tuesday] : ₹ 23.35 Cr
Day 14 [2nd Wednesday]: ₹ 20.8 Cr
Pushpa Legacy
The makers have announced the third installment of the film in the climax of the second part. The third part has been titled as Pushpa 3- The Rampage and it will be another 2-3 years before the film goes on floors. It has become the 6th biggest Indian hit with a box office collection of US $ 13.45 million beating Aamir Khan’s Dangal which had collected US $12.39 crore.
Pushpa overseas.
In the North American market which has become the biggest market for Telugu Cinema outside of India, Pushpa 2 continues its dream run as it has minted Rs 114 crore from its 13 days run.