Kareena Kapoor Khan was supposed to make her debut with Hrithik Roshan starrer ‘Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai‘. However, she couldn’t be a part of the movie and Ameesha Patel came on board. Later, the actress went on to share screen space with Hrithik in movies like ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham‘, ‘Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon’, ‘Yaadein’. Their chemistry on screen was sizzling and they still make one of the best on-screen pairs. This led to rumours of their affair. It was reported that Kareena and Hrithik were coochie-cooing on a flight.
The ‘Chameli’ actress had reacted to these rumours once in a chat with Free Press Journal and said, “What was that? Do they think I’m so stupid to do something like this publicly? And the timing, on the day of Hrithik’s wedding, was in very bad taste. If it had come earlier, one could laugh it off as idle gossip.”
She further added, “I read what he had to say in your interview. It was very well put. It was all so strange. I was out of the country. When I came back, everyone started questioning me about it. I was very shocked. Hrithik is committed elsewhere. He’s a very sensible boy. He’d never slip up. Please! Suzanne knows me too well. She knows exactly the kind of person I am. Why would I want another woman’s man, and that too a woman I like and respect? That way, I’m very selfish. I want a man I can keep for myself. And I won’t share my man with anybody.”
Kareena clarified it again in the same interview and said she doesn’t want any other woman’s curse. “Once and for all, there’s nothing between me and Hrithik except good, clean friendship. There cannot be anything else between us. He’s attached elsewhere, and I refuse to share my man with another woman. He’s happily married now. And I’m not a home-breaker. I can never be. We haven’t been brought up to cause havoc in other people’s homes. Besides, I wouldn’t want another woman’s curse on my head. I know what that could do to a woman. But all said and done, Hrithik is a wonderful boy. I don’t enjoy working with anyone as much as I do with him,” said the actress.
Meanwhile, earlier here’s what Hrithik had said about it. “The fling with Kareena? (laughs). Is it over, or what? Seriously the timing was ugly. Thankfully my friends, family and Suzanne trust me enough not to believe in such talk. Kareena is friendly with Suzanne. She also knows my sister very well. The only person I feel bad about is Kareena. I’m a man and such talk doesn’t affect me. She says she doesn’t care. She says it’s okay. But I can imagine how bad her family must be feeling. Thankfully, the people who matter, my friends and family, including Sussanne, trust me enough not to believe such baseless reports.”
Hrithik had said that he doesn’t feel bad for himself but for Kareena. He further praised her and said, “I don’t feel bad for myself. I only feel bad for her. Because she’s such a sweet girl. She’s been completely misunderstood and misrepresented in the media. That’s partly because she just says anything that comes in her mind. She’s brutally honest. At heart she’s a very clean girl. Kareena has got a pure heart.”
Kareena and Hrithik have not worked together ever since Subhash Ghai’s ‘Yaadein’ which released in 2001. Hrithik had married Sussanne in 2000 just when these rumours started floating. The couple then got divorced in 2014.