Earlier this morning, Akshay Kumar took to his IG handle to wish his wife Twinkle a Happy Birthday. Akshay posted a funny video where in the first clip, he shows what people think his wife would be like. In that, the former actress in seen relaxing in the sun with some coffee and a book. In the second clip, Akshay says that in reality his wife is someone who dances without a care in the world, where Tina is having a ball dancing to her heart’s content. Along with the video, he wrote, “Happy Birthday, Tina 😘 You’re not just a sport; you’re the whole game. I’ve learned so much from you—how to laugh until my stomach hurts (and you’re almost always the reason for it), how to sing my heart out when a favorite song plays on the radio, and how to dance just because I feel like. Tere varga sach mein hor koi na. ♥️”
Twinkle Khanna, who debuted in Bollywood with Barsaat in 1995, has since transitioned to writing and film production. She recently shared that she’s grateful for Akshay Kumar’s support in relocating to London with their daughter, Nitara, but would have moved there even if he hadn’t agreed.In a conversation with FICCI FLO, Twinkle discussed growing up in a family where seeking permission was not a part of life. She expressed feeling lucky that her husband, Akshay Kumar, had no issues with her moving to another country with their daughter, Nitara.
The actress mentioned that even if Akshay hadn’t been okay with the move, she would have still gone ahead with it. However, she acknowledged it would have been a challenging and stressful situation, involving a lot of arguing. Fortunately, he was supportive of her decision.
After finishing her 12th grade, Twinkle initially aimed to become a chartered accountant. However, her parents, late superstar Rajesh Khanna and renowned actress Dimple Kapadia, encouraged her to pursue a career in the film industry, leading her to enter showbiz.
In 2024, at 49, Khanna decided to continue her education. After taking short-term online courses during the pandemic, she embarked on a full-time student journey. Twinkle completed her master’s degree from Goldsmiths, University of London, and graduated in January this year.
After her graduation, Akshay shared a heartfelt message on Instagram. He praised her dedication, saying that when he saw her balance student life, home, career, and family, he knew he had married a “superwoman.”
Twinkle Khanna was last seen in 2001 film Love Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega. As a producer, she last worked on Akshay Kumar’s 2018 film Pad Man. She is also the author of popular books like Mrs Funnybones, The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad, and Pyjamas Are Forgiving.