A video featuring the legendary Asha Bhosle, who sang Karan Aujla’s ‘Tauba Tauba’ in Dubai in a recent concert, went viral and swept the internet off its feet. The 91-year-old singer, while singing the most popular song, even attempted to reproduce Vicky Kaushal’s signature step from the song’s music video. Instant success, the song from 2024 film ‘Bad Newz’ starring Vicky Kaushal and Triptii Dimri was a charmer to ears and Asha Bhosle‘s rendition at her show added a uniqueness to the song.
What’s your favorite Asha Bhosle song?
In the viral video, Asha Bhosle is seen singing ‘Tauba Tauba’ effortlessly in a black-and-white saree and doing Vicky Kaushal’s hook step. It really amazed people that the clip shows the non-stop energy and talent of the legendary singer. In fact, Vicky Kaushal even reacted to the video and shared it on his Instagram story praising Asha Ji, saying what an absolute legend!!! Asha Ji with folded hands and red heart. Producer of ‘Bad Newz’, Karan Johar was equally thrilled with the performance.
The Instagram handle of his production house, Dharma Movies, captioned the video, saying, “2024 saved the best for last! Asha Bhosle ji bringing her charm to ‘Tauba Tauba’ and blessing us for an incredible 2025!” The video was shared by Karan Johar too. In his Instagram story himself, he has mentioned as, “Blessed by the Living Legend Ashaji… @karanaujla,” thanks to this icon moment.
Singer, songwriter of the track ‘Tauba Tauba’ Karan Aujla also posted in Instagram congratulating and saluting; he said, “@asha.bhosle ji The living Goddess of music, Just performed tauba tauba… a song written by a kid that grew up in a small village, with no music background and no knowledge of musical instruments. A melody made by someone who doesn’t play any instrument.” In another post, Karan humbly remarked, “I wrote it at 27. She sang it at 91 better than me.”which showed how brilliant Asha Bhosle was and how she brought the song to a newer level. Of course, the beautiful moment between generations of music artists has really given birth to lasting memories that reflect how powerful music can be to unite and inspire.