Shalini Passi recently made headlines with her appearance in ‘Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives‘ and became a household name due to her unique personality. Fans are intrigued by her heartwarming relationship with her husband, Sanjay Passi, and their marriage when she was just 20.
Shalini’s values were strong and clear from a young age, and in a recent interview with Mojo Story, she shared that she was open to an arranged marriage, but only under strict terms. Her key condition was that her future partner must not indulge in smoking, drinking, or gambling. She told her parents that she did not want a person who drank, smoked, or gambled. “I was brought up by my grandparents, who were extremely against smoking and drinking. They didn’t even keep a pack of cards at home. I grew up seeing that, so I had that condition,” she stated.
Despite setting such strict criteria, Shalini found her perfect match in businessman Sanjay Passi, and they tied the knot. Shalini also explained on ‘Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives’ that she and Sanjay shared similar values, which further strengthened their bond. However, when Shalini initially shared her conditions with her family, her mother was understandably sceptical. “My father didn’t believe it when his family told him that Sanjay was not into drinking and smoking. He thought they were lying,” she added.
At the time of their marriage, Shalini was still in college. A year later, she became a mother at the age of 21. Reflecting on her early marriage and motherhood, Shalini stated that it was a great move as she was more energetic and enthusiastic. She believes that the older a woman gets, the more energy is drained from her life, and in her case, when she became a mother at 21, she used to get more excited than her son when taking him to a toy store. She added that she is living her life in reverse.
Shalini and Sanjay’s union, which started as an arranged match, was a swift transition from acquaintance to marriage. Their first meeting took place at a wedding, where Sanjay’s family, upon seeing Shalini, were taken with her. By the end of the evening, the proposal was made, leading to a smooth shift into married life. Although their marriage began in a traditional format, Shalini has repeatedly expressed how her husband has been an unwavering support and an ideal partner. She has often mentioned that she couldn’t have asked for a better match than Sanjay, reinforcing the notion that arranged marriages can lead to lasting love.