Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King, featuring Shah Rukh Khan as the voice of the titular character in the Hindi version, continues its roaring success at the Indian box office. On its 13th day, the film earned an estimated Rs 9.40 crore net across all languages, taking its total collection to an impressive Rs 122.1 crore.
The film made waves during its debut weekend, raking in Rs 74.25 crore by the end of Week 1. It crossed the Rs 100 crore milestone by its second weekend, surpassing Godzilla x Kong to become the second highest-grossing Hollywood release in India for 2024.
The film’s Hindi version showed the strongest growth, coupled by Shah Rukh Khan’s star power, followed by steady performances from other language versions. The film’s Hindi dubbed version saw good growth, earning Rs 3.5 crore while the English original came in second with Rs 2.5 crore, followed close behind by the Tamil version that earned Rs 2.25 crore. The Telugu dubbed version also saw good growth, earning Rs .15 crore.With a remarkable 56.67% growth on Wednesday, Mufasa: The Lion King is now poised to overtake Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman‘s Deadpool and Wolverine as the highest-earning Hollywood release in India for 2024. The superhero film grossed Rs 126.41 crore at the end of week three.
As the numbers climb, Mufasa: The Lion King cements its legacy as one of the most successful Hollywood films in the Indian market. This is in line with the 2019 film The Lion King’s success at the domestic box office, surpassing the Rs 150 crore mark.