In 2018, while filming Housefull 4, Sajid Khan faced multiple sexual harassment allegations during Bollywood’s #MeToo movement. The accusations severely impacted his career, causing work to disappear overnight. After six years of silence, the 54-year-old filmmaker has finally opened up about the mental and physical toll this period inflicted on him.
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Sajid revealed that the past six years have been profoundly challenging, with moments where he contemplated ending his life. Struggling without work, despite clearance from the Indian Film and Television Directors Association (IFTDA), he faced financial hardships, including selling his house and moving into a rented flat. Reflecting on his early responsibilities after his father’s passing at 14, Sajid expressed a deep wish that his late mother, Menaka Irani, could witness his efforts to rebuild his life.
Sajid further reflected on his earlier career, acknowledging that his blunt personality contributed to the challenges he faced. He admitted that in the past, he made sensational statements to grab attention, especially in his TV days. Now, looking back, he regrets his brashness and realizes that work is what truly matters. Though he would apologize when necessary, the end of his career made him question his choices. Sajid has since mellowed and now focuses on working to rebuild his career.The director explained that he left Housefull 4 to avoid disrupting the film’s schedule, as shifting dates would have affected the entire production. Reflecting on the allegations, he described it as a one-sided trial by media. He emphasized that respect was crucial to him, and when it was taken away, it shook his self-respect. Sajid acknowledged his past offensive humor, which he now understands had a significant impact. He clarified that he never disrespected women and was raised to believe in gender equality, but didn’t realize the consequences of his words.
Sajid also shared that when the allegations surfaced, he was worried about how his mother would react, especially since she was unwell at the time. He asked his sister Farah to hide the newspapers from her to prevent any stress. For ten days, he pretended everything was normal. Sajid emphasized that he has never disrespected women and that the past six years have been a time for self-reflection. Unlike others named in the #MeToo movement, who returned to work, he did not, which made him realize the need to change both his life and his communication style. He now approaches things with more restraint.
Khan admitted that while meetings went well, finding work remained challenging, especially after the drastic changes in the entertainment industry post-Covid. He expressed confusion over why, despite others moving on, he hadn’t been given a chance yet. Although he has a film starting mid-year, he acknowledges that there are no guarantees of success in the industry.
Sajid shared that the labels from the #MeToo movement had a deep impact on him, even to the point of contemplating ending his life. However, he holds no animosity towards anyone. Despite enduring six years of hardship, including the loss of his mother and home, he aims to move forward. He emphasized his desire to entertain and acknowledged his simple purpose in life.