‘Udta Punjab‘ made waves in the world of cinema when it hit theatres in 2016, bringing together stellar performances from Shahid Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, and Diljit Dosanjh. Directed by Abhishek Chaubey, the gripping drama delved into the state’s drug epidemic, earning widespread acclaim and becoming a box office success, grossing approximately Rs 100 crore worldwide. Despite its box office triumph, it was the unforgettable portrayal of the complex character of Tommy Singh, a drug-addicted rapper, that left an indelible mark.
Shahid Kapoor, a vegetarian and a teetotaller in real life, faced an interesting challenge while preparing for this role. In a recent conversation with Mukesh Chhabra for The Mashable India, Abhishek Chaubey revealed the hurdles in boosting Shahid’s energy levels for such an intense role. “Shahid had to put in a lot of energy, because he doesn’t drink, doesn’t do drugs, he is a vegetarian, ekdum sant aadmi hai. I made him drink a lot of black coffee during the entire shoot,” Chaubey shared.
Further elaborating on Shahid’s strict diet regimen, Chaubey noted that he hardly used to eat anything because he wanted him to look like a drug addict. While playing a drug addict like Tommy, Shahid had to keep losing weight and completely lose interest in food.
In an old interview, Shahid reflected on his role in the film, describing Tommy as “obnoxious, rude, badly behaved,” a character so offensive that “you will hear a lot of expletives from him, and he is everything that will turn you off.” However, Chaubey had specific direction for the transformation, asking Shahid to ensure that by the end of the character’s introduction, the audience would warm up to him.