Govinda and his wife, Sunita Ahuja, continue to captivate fans with their playful camaraderie. In a recent interview with Hindi Rush, Sunita revealed that Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon often jokes about marrying Govinda if they had met earlier. The revelation came with Sunita’s signature humor, as she quipped, “Raveena bolti hai abhi bhi, Chi Chi tu mujhe pehle milta, mai tere se shaadi karti. Maine kaha le jaa, pata chalega tere ko” (Raveena still says, ‘Chi Chi, if I had met you earlier, I would have married you.’ I told her, ‘Take him, then you’ll find out’).
The conversation took another amusing turn when the host brought up an incident shared by Govinda on The Great Indian Kapil Show. The actor recounted a moment after he accidentally shot himself in the leg in October 2024. According to him, Shilpa Shetty, who visited him in the hospital, jokingly asked if Sunita had been present during the incident, insinuating she might have been the one to pull the trigger.
Sunita responded with a witty retort, shedding light on the complete anecdote. She recalled, “Maine bola Shilpa, agar mai goli maarti toh sine pe maarti, pair pe nahi maarti. Kaam karo toh poora karo nahi toh maat karo” (I told Shilpa, ‘If I had shot him, I would have aimed for the chest, not the leg. If you’re going to do something, do it completely or don’t do it at all’).
For fans of 90s Bollywood, Govinda and Raveena Tandon remain one of the era’s most cherished on-screen pairs, with hits like Dulhe Raja, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, and Aunty No. 1. Similarly, his films with Shilpa Shetty, including Aag, Hathkadi, and Pardesi Babu, showcased their chemistry and comedic timing.