Actress Kiara Advani, who is gearing up for the much-anticipated film ‘Game Changer’ alongside Ram Charan, has reportedly been hospitalized in Mumbai. Kiara was scheduled to attend a major promotional event for the film in the city on this day (January 4), but she was noticeably absent from the gathering.
According to News 18, the actress was admitted to the hospital earlier this morning, though the exact reason for her hospitalization remains unclear.
Fans of Kiara Advani have expressed concern over her sudden health setback and are eagerly awaiting further updates. Despite the uncertainty surrounding her condition, there has been no official statement from the actress or her team regarding the specifics of her illness. Additionally, the production team of ‘Game Changer’ has yet to provide any comments on the matter.
Ram Charan and Shankar’s most-awaited political thriller film ‘Game Changer’ is all set to hit the big screens on January 10. Although the veteran director Shankar had several underwhelming films recently including ‘I’, ‘Robot 2’, and ‘Indian 2’, the expectations are quite high for ‘Game Changer’ as the story is penned by Karthik Subbaraj.
Recently during a promotional event, the ‘Pushoa 2’ director Sukumar shared his first review for the movie. Sukumar, who watched the film along with Chiranjeevi, said, “I have a secret to share! I watched Game Changer with Chiranjeevi sir, and I’m excited to give the first review. The first half was incredible, and the interval was a blockbuster moment. Trust me on this. The second half, especially the flashback sequence, gave me goosebumps—it was phenomenal! I enjoyed it as much as I did Shankar’s Gentleman and Bharateeyudu (Indian).”