New parents in town, Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal, recently travelled to Delhi, marking their first trip away from their six-month-old daughter, Zuneyra Ida Ali. Zuneyra stayed in Mumbai under the care of her grandparents, with the couple explaining their decision not to bring their daughter to Delhi, citing concerns about “the weather and the pollution.”
The duo reflected on their parenting journey, describing their new role as transformative. They likened parenthood to discovering “a whole new universe,” admitting it has subtly influenced their approach to cinema and storytelling.
In an interview with News18, Richa Chadha spoke about life at home with their daughter, saying, “It’s nice and peaceful,” while adding that the couple had anticipated the challenges of parenting. With the help of a trusted nanny and a strong support network, including Ali’s father and Richa’s mother, they have managed the demands of raising their baby. They concurred with the adage that “it takes a village to raise a child.”
On their decision to keep Zuneyra away from the spotlight, Chadha emphasised, “Soon toh pata nahi, but I would never want her to be clicked.” Ali added, “At least until she is capable of making those choices for herself. We don’t know how she will feel when she grows up. Kya pata humein hi gaaliyan padegi (laughs).” The couple is determined to safeguard their daughter’s privacy until she is old enough to decide for herself.
Zuneyra’s birth was announced in July last year through a heartfelt social media post. When asked who is the more hands-on parent, Richa quickly pointed out that both she and Ali share responsibilities equally but in their own distinct ways. She expressed gratitude for Ali’s involvement, stating that his active participation has brought relief and joy to their parenting journey. “From burping our baby to reading to her, Ali’s support has been incredible,” she shared. Ali, in his usual playful manner, added, “Game on, man!”
On the work front, Richa will next be seen in ‘Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui Hai’, while Ali is set to collaborate with Anurag Basu for ‘Metro… In Dino’.